Configure Consultant Report Templates

Consultants have the ability to generate reports specific to their customers’ needs. You can add a custom cover page to your report to include customer and consultant contact information plus other summary details. By running the report in DOCX format, you can edit the report to focus on the details most important to your customer.

You create a consultant report by running a consultant template. (Available for Consultant subscriptions only.)


Have you thought about which hosts you want to report on and what you want to see in your report? We can help you with this quickly - review the basics for some ideas.

Reporting - The Basics


It's easy to use an existing consultant report template. Just go to Reports > Templates and:

1) edit the template you'd like to use,

2) we recommend you save a copy (click Save As), and

3) configure the report template settings.

Go to Reports > Templates > New > Consultant Template and configure the report template settings.

Tell me more about:

Customer and Consultant InfoCustomer and Consultant Info

Provide contact information for your customer on the Customer Info tab and for you (the Consultant) on the Consultant Info tab. Then go to the Layout section and choose whether to display this contact information in the report. Contact information will appear on the cover page of PDF and DOCX reports, and in the Header section of HTML and MHT reports.

Custom Summary TextCustom Summary Text

Go to the Summary tab to provide up to 3 sections of custom text for your report. Then go to the Layout tab to choose which summary sections to display in your report. This information will appear on the cover page of PDF and DOCX reports, and in the Header section of HTML and MHT reports.

Vulnerability SummaryVulnerability Summary

When you select the Text Summary option (under Vulnerability Summary), we'll show these statistics in your report: total vulnerabilities by status, total vulnerabilities by severity and top 5 vulnerability categories detected.

Report FiltersReport Filters

You can choose to include all detected vulnerabilities in the report (Complete) or specific vulnerabilities only (Custom). For a custom list of vulnerabilities, add one or more search lists to the template. For example, add a search list that includes the severity levels you want to report on or add a search list that includes specific QIDs. You can also filter out vulnerabilities by QID, type, status or category, and filter out hosts based on the host's operating system.

Tell me about the custom footerTell me about the custom footer

This is a spot where you can add required information like a disclosure statement or data classification (e.g. Public, Confidential). The text you enter will appear in all reports generated from this template, except reports in XML and CSV formats.

Still need help? Check out Reporting - The Basics.


We'll create a new report using the report template you've configured. Go to Reports > Templates, select your template in the list, and then select Run from the menu. You can also go to Reports > Reports > New.

Launch client report using your templateLaunch client report using your template

We'll create a new report using the report template you've configured. Go to Reports > Reports > New > Consultant Report and then you can choose the required client from the drop-down. Learn more