The host information page gives you details about a host (IP address) in your account.
Go to Assets > Host Assets. Click for the host you're interested in.
You'll see information about the host like the host's IP address, operating system, tracking method, assigned asset tags, first found date, DNS and NetBIOS hostnames, vulnerabilities found on the host, and open and resolved tickets that have not yet been closed.
The date of your last vulnerability scan on the host and the date of your last compliance scan on the host (if applicable). If the host was found alive during the most recent scan, the scan's date becomes the last scan date, regardless of whether authentication to the host was successful.
This is the date when the host was first successfully scanned for VM or PC – either by a regular scan or Cloud Agent assessment. For PC, you must have OS CPE enabled (under PC > Reports > Setup) to capture this date.
This is a unique host ID assigned to the host. The ID is assigned when:
1) You scan the host using Agentless Tracking - a feature that lets you track the host by host ID instead of relying on the IP address or hostname which can change over time. Learn more
2) The host is tracked by a cloud agent. Available when Cloud Agent (CA) is enabled for your subscription.
The host will only have one host ID used by both CA and Agentless Tracking. Before assigning a host ID we first check to see if one already exists.
This is the Amazon instance ID assigned to your EC2 host. This ID only appears for your EC2 hosts when the EC2 Scanning feature is enabled for your account. You could use the EC2 Instance ID to launch scans on your EC2 instances.
In the Vulnerabilities section you'll see 2 remediation grades - one for Open vulnerabilities and one for Closed. Both are based on what we call Median Age. For Open, the Median Age is how many days on average the vulnerabilities have been waiting to get fixed. For Closed, the Median Age is how many days on average it took to fix (or ignore) the vulnerabilities. Mouse-over either grade to see the lookup table we use to match the age to a grade.
Knowing a host's configurations helps you to manage your hosts within your account. You'll see a list of business units the host belongs to, the users with permissions to access the host, and the asset groups the host belongs to.
Compliance configurations may be defined when the PC application and optionally the SCAP application is turned on for your account. How the host relates to your compliance configurations helps you to understand the host's impact to your compliance program. You'll see a list of policies that have been evaluated for the host by a scan and for each policy the number of controls that passed and failed for the host, and you'll see a list exceptions defined for the host.
This section shows you the authentication records that include the host. Authentication records contain authentication credentials and the target hosts that those credentials apply to. The authentication records listed will be applied to all authenticated scans on this host.
This shows a history of actions performed on the host with the name of the user who performed the action and a time stamp of when the action took place. These actions are recorded: add or edit asset owner, add or edit host comments, add or edit host attribute values.