Changes to business units

This help describes some changes to business unit workflows when AGMS is enabled for your subscription.

Transfer primary contact to another business unit

Every business unit has 1 user designated as the primary contact (noted with an asterisk next to their name on the Users list). When a business unit only has the primary contact user remaining (no other users), then you are able to move the primary contact to a different business unit. You can do this by editing the user or by editing the business unit. 

Here are 2 methods for transferring the primary contact:

- Go to Users > Users. Identify the primary contact user you want to transfer. Edit the user's account and select a new business unit. The user will be transferred only if there are no other users in their old business unit. You'll also be prompted to choose user configurations to transfer with the user.

- Go to Users > Business Units. Edit the new business unit and add the primary contact user from the old business unit. The user will be transferred only if there are no other users in their old business unit. You'll also be prompted to choose user configurations to transfer with the user. 

Business unit can only be deleted when it has 0 users

You can delete a business unit only if the business unit is empty, meaning it has 0 users. You can transfer users from the business unit to a different business unit. Note that you can only transfer the primary contact for the business unit when this user is the last user remaining in the business unit. See instructions above. 

Does your business unit include a user with the "Contact" user role? This type of user cannot be moved to another business unit. You'll need to delete the Contact user from the Users list before you can delete the business unit. Go to the Users list, search for the user (by user login and role) and then pick Delete from the Actions menu above the list.