
Uninstalling the Cloud Agent from the host itself

When you uninstall a Cloud Agent from the host itself using the uninstall utilities, the agent, its license usage, and scan results are still present in the Qualys subscription.  In order to remove the agent’s host record, license, and scan results, use the Cloud Agent app user interface or Cloud Agent API to uninstall the agent.

Sample uninstall agent commands

Windows Agent

Use Uninstall.exe. Learn more

Linux/Unix Agent (RPM)

Use this command:

"sudo rpm -e qualys-cloud-agent"  

Linux Agent (Debian)

Use this command:

"sudo dpkg --purge qualys-cloud-agent"


"sudo pkg remove qualys-cloud-agent"

Unix Agent (.bff)

Use this command:

"installp -u qualys-cloud-agent.rte"

MacOS Agent

Use this command:

"sudo /Applications/QualysCloudAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/qagent_uninstall.sh"

Note: On MacOS High Sierra (10.13), launched takes some time to remove the com.qualys.cloud-agent process, although the agent is already uninstalled.