Viewing your Jobs

The Jobs tab lists the patch jobs for Windows and Linux on the respective tabs. On the Jobs page, we show you the job's status (Enabled, Disabled and Completed), name, owner, schedule. In addition to these details, we also show the total number of patches, assets and asset tags added to job. When you click the total number of patches and assets links, we will show you the list of patches and assets. Tagged assets show out of the total assets that have the selected asset tags how many are included in the job. While adding tags, you can used AND and OR operators. Only the assets that satisfy the condition will be added to the job.

Currently, we show all the jobs that are created in your subscription, but you can view or edit only those jobs that you have created or you are the Co-Author. The Co-Author of a job has permission to edit the job if the Co-Author has edit permission.

From the Jobs tab, you can:

 1) enter QQL (Qualys Query Language ) queries in the search box to search for jobs

 2) use the filters to search jobs by status (Enabled, Disabled and Completed), schedule (On-demand, Daily, Once) and job type (Install, Rollback)

 3) select filters to view the jobs that you have created or you are the Co-Author

 4) create deployment or rollback jobs

 5) select a job and use the Quick Actions menu to view the job details and progress, edit the job, change the owner of the job, delete a job, clone a job, and enable or disable a job

 6) select multiple jobs and use the Bulk Actions menu to change the ownership of jobs, delete and enable jobs. Note that you must be either Owner or Co-Author of the job to perform the actions available from Quick Actions and Actions menu

 7) use the Search Actions menu to view the recent searches, save search queries added in the search box and manage saved searches

Jobs Tab

About Windows Patches count

You can use Qualys Query Language (QQL) to configure jobs deployed on Windows assets. The QQL allows you to configure your job settings so that the QQL can run dynamically before a job is triggered. This enables PM to retrieve the latest patches based on the QQL criteria and add it to the deployment job before the job is triggered. For optimum performance, only missing and non-superseded patches that match the QQL criteria will be added to the job.

Qualys Patch Management calculates the list of patches and the assets that are added to a job few hours before the job starts. Till the patch calculation is done, the patch and tagged asset counts are denoted with an asterisk (*) on the UI.

For recurring jobs, this calculation is done few hours before each job run. If the patch count is denoted with zero (0), we have not calculated the number of patches that are added to a job yet. The final count of patches will be updated only when the job is triggered.

Jobs to Deploy Patches on Assets

Roll Back Patches From Assets

Review Job Results