Viewing your Assessment Profiles and Licenses Information

The Configuration tab has two tabs: Profiles and License tab. The Profiles tab lists the default assessment and custom assessment profiles and the Licenses tab show licenses information. The Profiles tab displays a default assessment profile. Cloud Agents scan for patches (missing and installed) at a specific interval using the configuration defined in the default Assessment Profile. When no custom assessment profile is defined, then the default assessment profile is applied to all agents, which scans the assets at an interval of 24 hours for free subscription and 4 hours for trial/paid subscription. The profile tab Shows the assessment profile's status (enabled/disabled), name, date and time of creation, schedule (the scan interval). Asset tags show what asset tags are added to the assessment profiles.

From the profile tab, you can:

 1) create custom assessment profiles for Windows assets

 2) select a assessment profile and use the Quick Actions menu to view, edit delete, enable and disable profiles. Delete, Enable and Disable actions are not available for Default assessment profiles

 3) select more than one assessment profiles and use the Actions menu to delete enable and disable assessment profiles

 4) click the Licenses tab to manage PM licenses for your assets. The Licenses tab, enabled only for paid subscribers, shows the number of licenses consumed by Patch Management (PM)

configuration landing page

Create Custom Assessment Profiles

Manage PM Licenses