Delete a User and Transfer Items to New Owner

You may want to delete a user but keep the user's scan results and configurations so they remain available to other users. Here we'll describe what happens to a user's things when the user is deleted.

Deleting users and scan results

When you start the delete user workflow you're asked whether you want to save the user's scans. You might want to save scan results to preserve the results returned from individual scan jobs. Keep in mind that we keep the host based scan data in your subscription even if you choose to delete scan results.

Option to delete map and scan results in Delete User window

Option to delete all scan results

These options are available in the delete user workflow only when you select 1 user to delete. If you delete multiple users in batch, all platform configurations are deleted for the selected users.

Scan results launched by this user can be deleted or saved in the delete user workflow per “Delete all associated scan/map results” setting.

-- If Delete all is selected, scan results are deleted at the time of user deletion.

-- If Delete all is not selected, scan results are deleted later per subscription settings under Scans > Setup > Storage.*

For PCI scans launched > 2 years ago, scan results are deleted. For PCI scan launched < 2 years ago, PCI scan results are saved (per PCI Council’s requirements).*

When scan results are not deleted they remain available in the subscription for reporting. You can create scan reports. Choose the scan-based findings option in the report template and select the scan results you want to report on by scan name/date.

Good to know

It's not possible to delete the Manager POC for the subscription.

Readers and Auditors do not have permissions to launch scans (thus can’t be scan results owners).

Delete a user linked to PCI account

When you delete a user, the user is automatically unlinked from the PCI account.

After you delete a user linked to a PCI account, you can link the same PCI account to a different user.

Details by Role

This table describes what happens to a user's scan results based on the role of the user being deleted.

Manager (POC for subscription)

n/a (not possible to delete Manager POC)

Manager (not POC)

Scan results launched by this user can be deleted or saved in the delete user workflow per "Delete all associated scan/map results" setting.

-- If Delete all is selected, scan results are deleted at time of user deletion.

-- If Delete all is not selected, scan results are deleted later per subscription settings under Scans > Setup > Storage.

For PCI scans launched > 2 years ago, scan results are deleted. For PCI scan launched < 2 years ago, PCI scan results are saved (per PCI Council's requirements).

Unit Manager (POC for business unit)

You can only delete Unit Manager POC when the business unit contains no other users.

Scan results launched by this user can be deleted or saved in the delete user workflow per "Delete all associated scan/map results" setting.

-- If Delete all is selected, scan results are deleted at time of user deletion.

-- If Delete all is not selected, scan results are deleted later per subscription settings under Scans > Setup > Storage.

For PCI scans launched > 2 years ago, scan results are deleted. For PCI scan launched < 2 years ago, PCI scan results are saved (per PCI Council's requirements).

Unit Manager (not POC)

Scan results launched by this user can be deleted or saved in the delete user workflow per "Delete all associated scan/map results" setting.

-- If Delete all is selected, scan results are deleted at time of user deletion.

-- If Delete all is not selected, scan results are deleted later per subscription settings under Scans > Setup > Storage.

For PCI scans launched > 2 years ago, scan results are deleted. For PCI scan launched < 2 years ago, PCI scan results are saved (per PCI Council's requirements).


Scan results launched by this user can be deleted or saved in the delete user workflow per "Delete all associated scan/map results" setting.

-- If Delete all is selected, scan results are deleted at time of user deletion.

-- If Delete all is not selected, scan results are deleted later per subscription settings under Scans > Setup > Storage.

For PCI scans launched > 2 years ago, scan results are deleted. For PCI scan launched < 2 years ago, PCI scan results are saved (per PCI Council's requirements).


n/a (user does not have permission to launch scans, cannot be owner of scan results)


n/a (user does not have permission to launch scans, cannot be owner of scan results)


Deleting users and configurations

When you start the delete user workflow you're asked whether you want to transfer the user's configurations. What does this mean? These are the various configurations that can be owned by users. Note that some configurations are shared across modules and some are specific to one module only.

Configurations include:

Scans: scheduled scans, option profiles, authentication records, vault records

Reports: scheduled reports, report templates

Assets: asset groups

Users: business units, distribution groups

VM only: search lists, remediation policies

PC only: policies, exceptions

WAS only: web applications

No New Owner or New Owner Name

These options are available in the delete user workflow only when you select 1 user to delete. If you delete multiple users in batch, all platform configurations are deleted for the selected users.

Configurations owned by the user are transferred in many cases to the Manager POC. The delete user workflow shows options to choose No New Owner or New Owner name, as described below. In some cases the behavior differs for the various configurations.

Option to transfer user configurations in Delete User window

Good to Know

It's possible to delete Unit Manager POC only when business unit contains no other users.

Details by Role

This table describes what happens to a user's configurations based on the role of the user being deleted.

Manager (POC for subscription)

n/a (not possible to delete Manager POC)

Manager (not POC)

For all configurations

-- No New Owner - Will be assigned to Manager POC

-- New Owner - Will be assigned to a selected user (a Manager)

Unit Manager

For all configurations

-- No New Owner - Will be assigned to Manager POC

-- New Owner - Will be assigned to a selected user*

* If you're deleting a Unit Manager POC you can select a Manager. If deleting another Unit Manager, you can select Unit Manager in same unit or a Manager.


For Scheduled Scans, Asset Groups owned by user, Option Profiles, Report Templates, Search Lists

-- No New Owner - Will be deleted

-- New owner name - Will be assigned to selected user*

For Scheduled Reports, Exceptions, Policies, Web Applications

-- No New Owner - Will be assigned to Manager POC

-- New owner name - Will be assigned to selected user*

* You can select a Manager or user in same business unit


For all configurations

-- No New Owner - Will be deleted

-- New owner name - Will be assigned to selected user*

* You can select a Manager or user in the same business unit


For Scheduled Reports, Exceptions, Policies

-- No New Owner - Will be assigned to Manager POC

-- New owner name - Will be assigned to a selected user

* You can choose a Manager or Auditor