
Graphical Map

Take actions on hosts

First select hosts in the map and then take actions like add to an asset group or start a new scan.

Use tools to change your view

Expand/collapse details for all hosts in the map, or open the map results report.

View map summary

Here's a summary of the results. Use filters to drill down into the results. Let's say you only want to show Windows hosts that are scannable - click Scannable and Windows.

New - Hosts discovered for the first time.

Scannable - Hosts in your account that can be scanned.

In Netblock - Hosts added to the domain's netblock by a user (under Assets > Domains).

Approved - Hosts added to the domain's approved hosts list by a user (under Assets > Domains).

Rogue - Hosts not in the domain's approved hosts list.

Live - Hosts "alive" at the time of the discovery, meaning they responded to pings.

Filter results by OS by picking an OS family. Other means the OS doesn't match one of the common families. Unknown means the OS could not be identified by the map.

View hosts that we found

Hosts are listed by IP address. Click any IP to highlight it in the map. Then you can view host details and take actions.

Your graphical map

These are the hosts discovered on your map target. Feel free to move hosts around as you like or use the toggle in the top, right corner to switch from radial view (the default) to a list view. Click on any host to show details in the preview pane.