The title you enter will appear in the schedules list and also in the scans list each time this scan runs.
Select a user to be the owner of this schedule. The task owner will receive scheduled scan notifications, when enabled.
Select Now for a one-time scan to run at the next available opportunity. Select Recurring to schedule the scan to run later or on a regular basis.
Select the starting date and time for this schedule and your local time zone (GMT shift and location). If you select a time zone that observes Daylight Saving Time, then the "Auto adjust during Daylight Saving Time" option is selected by default. The start time will be adjusted automatically during time changes so you don't have to make any edits to your schedule.
Have the scan paused or cancelled if it runs longer than a set number of hours/minutes.
You can choose to have the scan manually resumed by a user, or you can resume it automatically after a set number of days/hours. The value you set for pause will determine the minimum value you can set for resume.
Run the scan daily, weekly or monthly (or every 2 days, every 3 weeks, etc). You can choose Relaunch on Finish for continuous scanning when this feature is enabled for your account.
Your scan will run indefinitely unless you tell us how many times to run the scan. The schedule will be deactivated when the set number of occurrences is reached.
Tell us when you want notifications sent - days, hours or minutes before the scan starts or when the scan is finished. Emails are sent to the task owner and the distribution groups that you select.
Tell us who should be notified when this scan is finished, and enter a custom email message.
Select this option to prevent the scan from running at its scheduled time. Clear this option to re-activate the schedule.