Special Data Point Status Codes

We use 2 special codes to indicate status information about a compliance check, also referred to as a data point. These codes are highly unique numbers which will not occur in your networking environment. The uniqueness of these codes prevents false positives from being generated. The status codes will have slightly different results according to which technology the control is using. (Note that these special data point status codes apply to service provided controls only, not user defined controls.)

These status codes appear in your compliance policies as the expected value for various data point checks. They may also appear in your compliance reports. However, please note that we are moving away from displaying the status codes in reports. When possible, the status codes are translated to more meaningful text strings like "File not found" and "Setting not found".  

PI and Golden Ratio

The 2 data point status codes are:

314159265358979 (the first 15 digits of PI)

161803399999999 (the first 15 digits of the "Golden Ratio")

In your reports, you may see the status codes, translated text strings or a combination of both. When the PI status code (314159265358979) appears in your report, this could mean that a file does not exist or that the path to a registry key does not exist. When the Golden Ratio status code (161803399999999) appears in your report, this could mean that a setting does not exist or that the registry key needed to evaluate the control does not exist. The exact meaning of each status code depends on the specific data point check and the technology.

RegSubKey not found / RegTopKey not found

When viewing compliance policies and compliance reports, you may see the values "RegSubKey not found" and "RegTopKey not found". The string "RegSubKey not found" indicates that the specific registry key needed to evaluate the control does not exist. The string "RegTopKey not found" indicates that the path to the registry key does not exist. See RegSubKey not found / RegTopKey not found for more information.