Control Values

The following types of control values may be included in a compliance policy or viewed from the detailed results section of your compliance policy reports.

Fixed Value Checkboxes

Some control values are specified by selecting one or more fixed value checkboxes. You simply select each value you want to include in the evaluation for the control and clear (uncheck) each value you don’t want to include in the evaluation.

Fixed Value Checkboxes


Some control values are specified as integers or whole numbers. Several cardinality and operator options are available when specifying the default value for an integer data type. Your cardinality and operator selection determines how the expected value will be compared to the actual results.


Regular Expressions / Strings

Some control values must be specified as a regular expression or a list of string values and regular expressions. We implement Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) following the PCRE standard.

Regular Expressions / Strings

Regular Expression Symbols

Windows Permissions

Some controls identify the permissions that are set on a Windows file, folder or registry key for different user groups and individual users. In order to maximize space, we assign each permission a letter (A,B,C,D,...) and use the letter instead of the full permission name. If you are specifying the default value for this type of control, then you must use the same mapping.

Registry Permissions (Windows)

File/Directory Permissions (Windows)

Unix Permissions

Some Unix controls identify permissions that are set on a Unix file or directory. We return a single string literal with permissions information in this format, where each atom in the format is separated by a colon:


File/Directory Permissions (Unix)

Special Data Point Status Codes

We use 2 special codes to indicate status information about a compliance check, also referred to as a data point. These status codes may appear in your policy and results. You may also see the values "RegTopKey not found" and "RegSubKey not found" in compliance reports, which indicate that the registry key or the path to the registry key could not be found.  

Special Data Point Status Codes