Expected Value Calculations for Controls

We automatically calculate expected values for controls based on the control's technology, scan parameters and data type.


Scan results data (x) matches/does not match the default value defined for the control (Y). The default value will be True or False (true or false in XML).

A single integer in scan results data (x) is compared to a single integer or range defined for the control (Y). The control values include a default value and an operator. Learn more

Scan results data (x) is compared to a string defined for the control (Y). The control includes a default value, a formatted string or regular expression, and the operator "regular expression". The calculation method depends on the control type.

Registry Permissions

File/Directory Permissions for Windows

File/Directory Permissions for Unix

Regular Expressions/Strings

A list of strings in scan results data (X) is compared to a list of strings defined for the control (Y). The control values include: a cardinality (contains, does not contain, intersect, matches, is contained in), an operator (regular expression list or string list), and a default value (a list of regular expressions or strings). Learn more

A list of strings in scan results data (X) is compared to a single string defined for the control (Y). The control values include a cardinality (match any, match all, match none, empty, not empty), the operator "regular expression", and a default value (a regular expression). Learn more