Configure a Distribution Group

What is a distribution group?

How do I download the email list?

Tell me about user permissions

What are the groups that start with DG?

Which email addresses can I add?

Tell me about the vulnerability notification

When can I use distribution groups?

How do I stop scheduled scan or report notifications?

Can I send emails to a Bcc list?


What is a distribution group?

You can have certain email notifications sent to a group of people by setting up distribution groups. Go to Users > Distribution Groups and tell us which users / email addresses make up the group.

Tell me about user permissions

All users can create distribution groups. Managers can see all distribution groups in the subscription, Unit Managers can see all distribution groups in their business unit, and Scanners and Readers can only see the distribution groups that they created.

Which email addresses can I add to the distribution group?

You can include email addresses for users in the subscription (simply select users from the list) and include email addresses for users outside of the subscription by typing them into the field provided.

When can I use distribution groups?

You can choose distribution groups for several email notifications, including scan notifications, report notifications and the vulnerability notification (described in more detail below). For example, you can notify the group when a scan or report is finished.

Can I send emails to a Bcc list?

Yes. Simply choose the option "Send as Bcc" under General Information and we'll hide the list of recipients any time the distribution group is selected for a notification.

How do I download the email list?

Choose Download from the Quick Actions menu for the distribution group you're interested in, and then choose a report format - CSV or XML. Your report will include all email addresses in the distribution group.

What are the groups that start with DG?

These groups were created by the service at the time of the 8.2 release. If you had a list of email addresses for a schedule created prior to 8.2, then we created a distribution group (starting with DG) to replace the email list in your schedule.

Tell me about the vulnerability notification

(This is available to Managers and KnowledgeBase Only users, and not available to Express Lite users.)

We offer a vulnerability email notification that will alert users about new and updated vulnerabilities in the KnowledgeBase. You enable this notification by simply adding search lists to the distribution group. You must also select which condition will result in an email - new vulnerabilities, updated vulnerabilities or both. When a vulnerability (QID) matches the search list and the condition, the group will be notified by email.

How do I stop a scheduled scan or report notification? 

If you have an email notification sent for a scheduled scan or report, then you can simply edit the schedule to change the notification preferences. Go to Scans > Schedules or Reports > Schedules. Identify the schedule you want to change, choose Edit from the Quick Actions menu, then find the Notifications section. You can clear the notification option if you don't want the email sent to anybody. Optionally, edit the distribution groups selected for the notification to stop individual users from receiving the email.