Scan schedule parameters

for launching VM and PC scans

Schedule parameters are below. These same parameters are used for scheduling VM scans and PC scans.

Occurrence | Start Time | Notifications | Client

See also:

Scan parameters | Create scan schedule | Create a compliance scan schedule

Scan Schedule - Occurrence




Required for a daily scan.


Required for a daily scan. The scan will run every N number of days. Value is an integer from 1 to 365.



Required for a weekly scan.


Required for a weekly scan. The scan will run every N number of weeks. Value is an integer from 1 to 52.


Required for a weekly scan. The scan will run on the one or more weekdays. Value is one or more days: sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday. Multiple days are comma separated.


Required for a monthly scan.


Required for a monthly scan. The scan will run every N number of months. Value is an integer from 1 to 12.


Required for monthly scan - Nth day of the month. The scan will run on the Nth day of the month. Value is an integer from 1 to 31.


Required for monthly scan - day in Nth week. The scan will run on this day of the week. Value is and integer from 0 to 6, where 0 is Sunday and 2 is Tuesday.


Required for monthly scan - day in Nth week. The scan will run on this week of the month. Value is one of: first, second, third, fourth, last.


Scan Schedule - Start Time




(Optional) By default the start date is the date when the schedule is created. You can define another start date in mm/dd/yyyy format.


(Required) The hour when a scan will start. The hour is an integer from 0 to 23, where 0 represents 12 AM, 7 represents 7 AM, and 22 represents 10 PM.


(Required) The minute when a scan will start. A valid value is an integer from 0 to 59.


(Required) The time zone code for starting a scan, in upper case. For example, the time zone code for US California is US-CA. Valid codes are returned by the Time Zone Code API (/msp/time_zone_code_list.php).


(Optional) Specify yes to observe Daylight Saving Time (DST). This parameter is valid when the time zone code specified in time_zone_code supports DST.


(Optional) The number of times the scan will be run before it is deactivated. For example, if you set recurrence=2, the scan schedule will be deactivated after it runs 2 times. By default no value is set. A valid value is an integer from 1 to 99.


(Optional) End a scan after some number of hours. A valid value is from 0 to 119.


(Optional) End a scan after some number of minutes. A valid value is an integer from 0 to 59.

Must be specified with end_after. For example, to end the scan after 2 hours and 30 minutes, you would specify end_after=2 and end_after_mins=30.

Note - When end_after is set to 0, the minimum value for end_after_mins is 15.


(Optional) Pause a scan after some number of hours if the scan has not finished by then. A valid value is an integer from 0 to 119.


(Optional) Pause a scan after some number of minutes if the scan has not finished by then. A valid value is an integer from 0-59.

Must be specified with pause_after_hours. For example, to pause the scan after 2 hours and 30 minutes, you would specify pause_after_hours=2 and pause_after_mins=30.

Note - When pause_after_hours is set to 0, the minimum value for pause_after_mins is 15.


(Optional) Resume a paused scan in some number of days. A valid value is an integer from 0 to 9 or Manually.


(Optional) Resume a paused scan in some number of hours. A valid value is an integer from 0-23.

Must be specified with pause_after_hours and resume_in_days. For example, to resume your scan in 5 hours, specify resume_in_days=0 and resume_in_hours=5. To resume your scan in 1 day and 12 hours, specify resume_in_days=1 and resume_in_hours=12.

Note - The value you set for pause will determine the minimum value for resume. For example, if you set the scan to pause after 1 hour then you can set it to resume in 2 or more hours. If you set the scan to pause between 1-2 hours (from 1hr, 1min to 1 hr, 59min) then you can set it to resume in 3 hours or more.


(Optional for Update only) Specify set_start_time=1 to update any of the start time parameters.

Must be specified with all start time parameters together: start_date, start_hour, start_minute, time_zone_code, observe_dst


Scan Schedule - Notifications




(Optional) Specify before_notify=1 to send a notification before the scan starts. When not specified during a create request no notification is sent. When not specified during an update request we keep the previous setting.


(Optional) Specify the time unit for when to send the before scan notification. Possible values are: days, hours, minutes.

This parameter is required when before_notify=1. Not valid when before_notify=0.


(Optional) Indicates the number of days, hours or minutes before the scan starts the notification will be sent. For days, enter a value of 1-31. For hours, enter a value of 1-24. For minutes, enter a value of 5-120. This parameter is required when before_notify=1. Not valid when before_notify=0.


(Optional) Specify a custom message to add to the before scan notification. The notification will always include certain details like the scan title, owner, option profile and start time. Include up to 4000 characters, no HTML tags.

For update requests:

- When not specified we keep the previous setting.

- Specify an empty string to delete the last saved message.

This parameter is only valid when before_notify=1.


(Optional) Specify after_notify=1 to send a notification after the scan is finished. When not specified during a create request no notification is sent. When not specified during an update request we keep the previous setting.


(Optional) Specify a custom message to add to the after scan notification. When not specified during a create request, no notification message is saved. Include up to 4000 characters, no HTML tags.

For update requests:

- When not specified we keep the previous setting.

- Specify an empty string to delete the last saved message.

- If both notifications are disabled (before_notify=0 and after_notify=0) we will delete the after notify message.

This parameter is only valid when after_notify=1.


(Optional) The notification recipients in the form of one or more valid distribution group IDs. When not specified for a create request, only the task owner will be notified.

For update requests:

- When not specified we keep the previous setting.

- Specify an empty string to delete the list of IDs.

- If both notifications are disabled (before_notify=0 and after_notify=0) we will delete the list of IDs.

This parameter is only valid when before_notify=1 or after_notify=1 is specified in the same request.


(Optional) Specify to send a notification if a scheduled scan is delayed.


(Optional) Specify a message to send notification for a delayed scheduled scan. If a message is not specified or if the delay_notify=1, the following default message is shown:

“The Qualys scan launch has been delayed and will be tried again.”


(Optional) Specify to send a notification if a scheduled scan is skipped.


(Optional) Specify a message to send notification for a skipped scheduled scan. If a message is not specified or if the skipped_notify=1, the following default message is shown:

“The Qualys scan launch has been skipped.”


(Optional) Specify to send a notification if a scheduled scan is deactivated.


(Optional) Specify a message to send notification for a deactivated scheduled scan. If a message is not specified or if the deactivate_notify=1, the following default message is shown:

“The Qualys scan has been deactivated by the service.”


Scan Schedule - Client




(Optional) Id assigned to the client (Consultant type subscription only). Parameter client_id or client_name may be specified for the same request.


(Optional) Name of the client (Consultant type subscription only). Parameter client_id or client_name may be specified for the same request.