Scan list parameters

for listing scans

Scan list input parameters are below. These same parameters are used for the various scan types (VM, PC, SCAP).




(Required) A flag used to make a request for a scan list.


(Optional) Specify 1 to view (echo) input parameters in the XML output. By default these are not included.


(Optional) Show only a scan with a certain scan reference code.

For a vulnerability scan, format is:

For a compliance scan format is:

For a SCAP scan format is:


(Optional) Show only a scan with a certain compliance scan ID.


(Optional) Show only scans with one or more scan states. Multiple states are comma separated. A valid value is: Running, Paused, Canceled, Finished, Error, Queued (scan job is waiting to be distributed to scanners), or Loading (scanners are finished and scan results are being loaded onto the platform).


(Optional) Specify 0 to show only scans that are not processed. Specify 1 to show only scans that have been processed. When not specified, the scan list output is not filtered based on the processed status.


(Optional) Show only a certain scan type. By default, the scan list is not restricted to a certain scan type. A valid value is: On-Demand, Scheduled, or API.


(Optional) Show only one or more target IP addresses. By default, the scan list includes all scans on all IP addresses. Multiple IP addresses and/or ranges may be entered. Multiple entries are comma separated. You may enter an IP address range using the hyphen (-) to separate the start and end IP address, as in:


(Optional) Show only a certain user login. The user login identifies a user who launched scans. By default, the scan list is not restricted to scans launched by a particular user. Enter the login name for a valid Qualys user account.


(Optional) Show only scans launched after a certain date and time (optional). The date/time is specified in YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SSZ] format (UTC/GMT), like "2017-07-01" or "2017-01-25T23:12:00Z".

When launched_after_datetime and launched_before_datetime are unspecified, the service selects scans launched within the past 30 days.

A date/time in the future returns an empty scans list.


(Optional) Show only scans launched before a certain date and time (optional). The date/time is specified in YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SSZ] format (UTC/GMT), like "2017-07-01" or "2017-01-25T23:12:00Z".

When launched_after_datetime and launched_before_datetime are unspecified, the service selects scans launched within the past 30 days.

A date/time in the future returns a list of all scans (not limited to scans launched within the past 30 days).


(Optional) Id assigned to the client (Consultant type subscription only). Parameter client_id or client_name may be specified for the same request.


(Optional) Name of the client (Consultant type subscription only). Parameter client_id or client_name may be specified for the same request.


(Optional) Specify 1 to show asset group information for each scan in the XML output. By default, asset group information is not shown.


(Optional) Specify 1 to show option profile information for each scan in the XML output. By default, option profile information is not shown.


(Optional) Specify 0 to not show scan status for each scan in the XML output. By default, scan status is shown.


(Optional) Specify 1 to show only the most recent scan (which meets all other search filters in the request) in the XML output. By default, all scans are shown in XML output.


(Optional) Specify 1 to show only external PCI scans in the XML output. External PCI scans are vulnerability scans run with the option profile "Payment Card Industry (PCI) Options". When pci_only=1 is specified, the XML output will not include other types of scans run with other option profiles.


(Optional) Specify 1 to hide target information from the scan list. Specify 0 to display the target information.