List auth records for type



List authentication records visible to the user for a specific technology (i.e. Unix, Windows, Docker, Sybase etc).

<type> will be a supported technology like: docker, http, ibm_db2, informixdb, kubernetes, mariadb, mongodb, ms_sql, mysql, neo4j, nginx, oracle, oracle_listener, oracle_weblogic, palo_alto_firewall, postgresql, sap_hana, sapiq, snmp, sybase, unix (for Unix, Cisco, Checkpoint Firewall), network_ssh, vmware, windows. For application servers: apache, ms_iis, ibm_websphere, tomcat.

A maximum of 1,000 authentication records can be processed per request. If the requested list identifies more than 1,000 authentication records, then the XML output includes the <WARNING> element and instructions for making another request for the next batch of records.

Input Parameters






(Optional) Specify 1 to view (echo) input parameters in the XML output. By default these are not included.


(Optional and valid when action is activate) Enable or disable the restricted IPs list. Set enable=1 to enable the list; set enable=0 to clear any IPs in the list and disable the feature.


(Optional) Show only authentication records which have a certain string in the record title.


(Optional) Show only authentication records which have a certain string in the record comments.


(Optional) Show the requested amount of information for each authentication record. A valid value is:

None - show record ID only

Basic (default) - show record ID and all authentication record attributes

All - show record ID and all authentication record attributes and a glossary section with the user name and login for each record owner


(Optional) Show only authentication records with certain IDs and/or ID ranges. Multiple entries are comma separated. One or more IDs/ranges may be specified. An ID range entry is specified with a hyphen (for example, 3000-3250). Valid IDs are required.


(Optional) Show only authentication records which have a minimum ID value. A valid ID is required.


(Optional) Show only authentication records which have a maximum ID value. A valid ID is required.

Oracle Records



(Optional) Specify the template ID for an Oracle system record template to only show Oracle records associated with the specified template.


(Optional) Specify the template name for an Oracle system record template to only show Oracle records associated with the specified template.


(Optional) By default, template records and regular Oracle records are listed. Set to 0 to list only regular Oracle records or set to 1 to list only Oracle system record templates.


(Optional) By default, active and inactive auth records are listed. Set to 0 to list only inactive records or set to 1 to list only active records.


(Optional) By default, user created records and system created auth records are listed. Set to 0 to list only user created records or set to 1 to list only system created records.

MongoDB Records



(Optional) Specify the template ID for an MongoDB system record template to only show MongoDB records associated with the specified template.


(Optional) Specify the template name for an MongoDB system record template to only show MongoDB records associated with the specified template.


(Optional) By default, template records and regular MongoDB records are listed. Set to 0 to list only regular MongoDB records or set to 1 to list only MongoDB system record templates.


(Optional) By default, active and inactive auth records are listed. Set to 0 to list only inactive records or set to 1 to list only active records.


(Optional) By default, user created records and system created auth records are listed. Set to 0 to list only user created records or set to 1 to list only system created records.


Sample - List Docker records

API request

curl -u "USERNAME:PASSWORD" -H "X-Requested-With: curl demo" -d "action=list&ids=72685" ""

XML output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>


























Sample - List Oracle records

API request

curl -u "USERNAME:PASSWORD" -H "X-Requested-With: curl" -d "action=list&ids=2237956" ""

XML output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>




















        <COMMENTS><![CDATA[my comments]]></COMMENTS>





Sample - List MongoDB records

API request

curl -u "USERNAME:PASSWORD" -H "X-Requested-With:curl" -X POST "action=list&ids=6847704"


XML output

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>











                         <![CDATA[MongoDB system record template]]>





























<platform API server>/api/2.0/fo/auth/<type>/auth_<type>_list_output.dtd