PCI template parameters

for creating and updating PCI scan report templates

The same parameters used for scan templates also apply to PCI templates. Click here to view parameters for scan templates.

Additional parameters for PCI scan templates are below. The default value when creating a new template is shown in bold where applicable.





Specify 1 to enable custom PCI risk ranking. When disabled Qualys will use default PCI ASV risk rankings.


By default Qualys uses risk rankings High, Medium, Low. By default for a new template, these are set to the same CVSS scores as required for ASV external scans. You can customize the ASV scores using the scale. When custom PCI risk ranking is enabled, this parameter sets the Medium marker value. Choose between 0 to 10 to set the Medium marker value.


When custom PCI risk ranking is enabled, this parameter sets the High marker value. Choose between 0 to 10 to set the High marker value.


When custom PCI risk ranking is enabled, a comment on the custom ranking is required. Enter any string up to 400 characters.

{<search list id1/name1>|
<search list id2/name2>|

When custom PCI risk ranking is enabled, you can specify custom rankings for QID search lists (i.e. custom rankings per set of vulnerabilities in our KnowledgeBase). Use the format shown.

For example:

searchlistid1|HIGH|”some comments”,searchlistid2|MEDIUM|”some comments”