Cluster status

In the Clusters table, hovering over a status icon shows information about what the icon depicts.

Status (Name column)

The status icon beside the Name column tells you the WAF appliance status.

A cluster with all appliances up and running. (Active) Cluster has appliances registered, none are inactive, and cluster protects at least one site.

A cluster with all appliances in the inactive state.(Inactive) Cluster has appliances registered, none are inactive, but cluster does not protect any sites.

Cluster with no appliances assigned to it. (No Appliances) Cluster does not have any appliances (proxies), active or inactive, assigned to it.

A cluster with degraded appliances. (Degraded) Cluster has appliances registered, at least one of them is active and one of them is inactive.

A cluster with no active appliances. (Error) Cluster has appliances registered, but none of them are active.

Deployment (Last Update column)

The deployment status of clusters is displayed in the Deployment Status column. The Last Update column displays the latest date on which the cluster configurations were pushed to the cluster.

Deployment status could be:

Cluster successfully deployed. Configuration successfully deployed on all appliances in a cluster.

Cluster deployment in progress. Configuration deployment is in progress on all appliances in a cluster.

Cluster deployment pending. Configuration deployment has been requested but not yet started.

Configuration deployment unsuccessful for some appliances in a cluster. Configuration deployment is successful on some appliances but failed on other appliances in a cluster.

Failed cluster deployment. Configuration deployment has failed on all appliances in a cluster.

Cluster with no appliances deployed in it. Web application is not deployed on any WAF cluster, or the Web application is deployed on a cluster having no appliances registered to it.