The criticality of your question and the scores of the answers selected by the responder contribute towards your template score. The obtained template score is used to define the Risk Rating.
Template Score is calculated as such:
[(Question 1 score + Question 2 score + Question n score) / Maximum possible template score] x 100
where Question score is
(Question Criticality x Answer scores)
Method to calculate Question Scores |
Single select questions: The score for each question is the multiplication of the answer score value (answer option selected by the responder) and the question criticality value Example: If a question has 3 answer options: a = 10, b = 20, c = 30 Question Criticality is HIGH = 30 If the user selects answer option a = 10 then the question score is 10 x 30 = 300 |
Multi-select questions: The score for each question is the multiplication of the answer score value (addition of scores of all selected answer option selected by the responder) and the question criticality value If a question has 3 answer options: a = 10, b = 20, c = 30 Question Criticality is CRITICAL = 40 If user selects answer option a = 10, c = 30 then the question score is (10+30) x 40 = 1600 |
In case you do not set a score of any of your answer options then the score is considered zero by default. If the responder selects that answer option then the question score for that question becomes zero. |
Method to calculate Maximum possible score |
Single select questions: The maximum possible score for each question is the multiplication of the highest score assigned to the answer options for that question and the question criticality value. If a question has 3 answer options: a = 10, b = 20, c = 30 If Question Criticality is LOW= 10 So the maximum possible score is 30 x 10 = 300 |
Multi-select questions: The maximum possible score for each question is the multiplication of the total answer score value (addition of all answer option scores in that question ) and the question criticality value If a question has 3 answer options: a = 10, b = 20, c = 30 If Question Criticality is MEDIUM = 20 So the maximum possible score here is (10 + 20 + 30) x 20 = 1200 |
Templates with rules |
Only the applicable questions and answer options will be considered for scoring if rules are applied to your template. Questions and answers which are hidden due to rules will not be considered for the score calculation. For example the template has 3 questions and a rule on Q1 states that if answer option A is selected then jump to Q3. Here the score will be calculated for only Q1 and Q3 as such: [(Q1 score + Q3 score) / Maximum possible template score] x 100 |