OCA Dashboard

You can view the OCA dashboard through OCA module. The OCA supports two dashboards (Default Dashboard and Printers Dashboard) with non-editable widgets like Overall Compliance, Failure by Criticality, Overall Compliance for Printers, Compliance Data for Printers, etc.

OCA Default Dashboard

The OCA default dashboard includes six non-editable widgets that display asset statistics and compliance posture related to all the assets provisioned through OCA.

Overall Compliance

This non-editable widget displays the overall compliance data based on passed and failed control count for all the assets including printers.

Failure by Criticality

This non-editable widget uses a statistical graph to display the number of failed controls by criticality - MEDIUM, CRITICAL, SERIOUS.

Top Failing Policies

This non-editable widget displays the top failing policies.

Asset Provision Status

This non-editable widget displays the status of asset provisioning by the status - Provision Confirmed and Provision Pending.

Compliance Data for Assets

This non-editable widget displays if the upload of asset configuration data to Qualys is pending or is completed.

Total number of Assets per technology

This non-editable widget displays the total number of assets per technology.

OCA Printers Dashboard

The Printers OCA Dashboard includes four non-editable widgets that display essential asset data, compliance posture of HP and Samsung Printers provisioned via HP’s JetAdvantage HP Security Manager plug in.

Overall Compliance for Printers

This non-editable widget displays the compliance assessment of printers with respect to the number of controls passing and failing.

Failure by Criticality for Printers

This non-editable widget uses a statistical graph to display the number of failed controls by criticality - MEDIUM, CRITICAL, SERIOUS.

Printers Provision Status

This non-editable widget displays the status of printer assets provisioning - Provision Confirmed or Provision Pending.

Compliance Data for Printers

This non-editable widget displays if the upload of printer configuration data to Qualys is pending or is completed.