We have the most up-to-date KnowledgeBase of vulnerabilities in the security industry and it's continuously getting updated. To view the KnowledgeBase tab, go to Vulnerabilities tab and click KnowledgeBase.
The KnowledgeBase tab contains details of vulnerabilities that can be detected in an industrial automation environment. The knowledgeBase table contains QID, vulnerability title, severity, CVE ID, vendor reference, CVSS scoring, CVSS3 Base score, BugTraq number and when was it modified/created.
You can use a variety of search filters to find vulnerabilities.
Click Filters, and then in the Apply Filters dialog box, select the filters of your choice and click Search.
Some of these filters include QID, vulnerability title, discovery method, authentication type, severity level, category, patch availability, CVSS or CVSS3 scores, published date, etc.
You get the results based on your search criteria.