Managing ICS Dashboard

To visualize the assets and vulnerability postures, simply add widgets to dashboard. The dashboard tab is the home page for Industrial Control System (ICS).

To see the ICS dashboard, select Industrial Control System from the application selector. On the dashboard, there are count cards like high risk devices, newly discovered devices, new vulnerabilities, active vulnerabilities and so on by default.

There are different widgets like asset distribution by risk score, asset distribution by protocol, asset distribution by vendors and various widgets based on vulnerabilities by type, vulnerabilities by severity and so on. Add widgets can be used to add ICS related widgets.

The widgets are interactive; clicking the specific part of the widget redirects to the related tab.

For example, here in the VULNERABILITIES BY TYPE widget, clicking Confirmed takes you to the Vulnerabilities tab for the details of confirmed vulnerabilities.

The confirmed vulnerability details are displayed.

Dynamic dashboards help you customize the way you view your information. Qualys provide a default dashboard to get started.

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Viewing Unified Dashboard

Dashboards help to visualize the assets, see the threat exposure, leverage saved searches, and quickly fix the priority of vulnerabilities

Qualys Industrial Control System (ICS) integrates with Unified Dashboard (UD) to bring information from all Qualys applications into a single place for visualization. UD provides a powerful, new dashboarding framework along with platform service that will be consumed and used by all other products to enhance the existing dashboard capabilities.

Qualys Industrial Control System (ICS) offers several dashboards out-of-the-box. Each dashboard displays a short description of the information it offers. It is easy to configure widgets to pull information from other modules/applications and add them to the dashboard. As per requirement many dashboards can be added to customize the view.

See the Unified Dashboard help for more information.